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Goat, Llama and Alpaca Breed Identification Cards Companion Guide

Goat, Llama and Alpaca Breed Identification Cards Companion Guide

Regular price $6.00 USD
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Introducing our Goat, Llama and Alpaca Breed ID Flashcard Companion Activities!

Using the Goat, Llama and Alpaca Breed Identification Flashcards enhances hands-on learning by allowing students to engage directly with the breeds and reinforce recognition skills. Worksheets and activities from the guide further deepen understanding by encouraging kids/students to match images with names and categorize breeds, fostering critical thinking and catering to diverse learning styles while enriching their appreciation of cattle in agriculture.


Breeds and History

  1. A Little Bit of History
  2. Goat, Llama and Alpaca Breed Names
  3. Physical Characteristics
  4. Types of Goats
  5. What Breed Am I?


  1. Twenty-Five (25) page Full-Color Guide, Instant Downloadable PDF
  2. Six Supplemental Activities with Worksheets and Answer Keys

With our companion guide, teaching kids (and students) the basics about goat, llama and alpaca breeds has never been easier!

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